Canapas Cigars


Details for Premium Canapas Case (5 Count) - $25,000

5 Ultra Premium Canapas Marijuana Cigars

Total Pre-Rolled weight of Cigars: 11 oz.

Total weight of Marijuana: 8.5 oz.

One Sativa Dominant Marijuana Cigar - 1.75 oz of Hand Groomed & Hand Cut Buds

One Indica Dominant Marijuana Cigar - 1.75 oz of Hand Groomed & Hand Cut Buds

One Hybrid Mixed Marijuana Cigar - 1.75 oz of Hand Groomed & Hand Cut Buds

One Rudiales CBD Dominant Marijuana Cigar - 1.75 oz of Hand Groomed & Hand Cut Buds

One Mixed of all types - 175 oz of Hand Groomed & Hand Cut Buds

Additional Flowers:

Included at bottom of each tube (~1 eighth per tube - 0.5 oz)

Optional Separate Gram of each kind of strain (5 grams)

Accessories & Packaging:

  1. 5 glass tubes with humidity control up to 1 year.

  2. 1 padded case

  3. 1 cigar V cutter

  4. 1 cigar larger circle cutter

  5. 1 cigar puncture cutter

  6. 5 Mini Flashlights

  7. 1 Business Investor Plan Proposal

Giving & Investment

Along with your purchase of goods, you also get direct Community Equity in our business.  The better we do, the more product you can buy in the future.  More importantly Canapas is part of a large cannabis community fighting for legalization and access of medical marijuana across the world, as well as legalization of industrial use of hemp!  We collaborate with 501c3 and other non-profits to make change in all aspects of Societal Transformation.  By purchasing Canapas Cigars, you are part of a vision for a new future where all people are treated equal, and we collectively enhance the user experience of being human on this planet for everyday normal people.

Price includes air trip for one person.  We will fly you anywhere in the world where Cannabis is legal, and fly us there to deliver your case.





Case of Cigars - (5 Count):

Single Cigar  - (1 Count):

Trunk of Cigars - (50 Count):






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Prices for Huge 1.75 oz Cigars

What is


Rainbow is when you have multiple different strains in one Cigar.





Case of Cigars - (5 Count):

Single Cigar  - (1 Count):

Trunk of Cigars - (50 Count):





Prices for Large 1.2 oz Cigars





Case of Cigars - (5 Count):

Single Cigar  - (1 Count):

Trunk of Cigars - (50 Count):





Prices for Medium 0.75 oz Cigars





Case of Cigars - (5 Count):

Single Cigar  - (1 Count):

Trunk of Cigars - (50 Count):





Prices for Small 0.5 oz Cigars





Case of Cigars - (5 Count):

Single Cigar  - (1 Count):

Trunk of Cigars - (50 Count):





Prices for Smaller 0.25 oz Cigars





Case of Cigars - (5 Count):

Crate of Cigars - (250  Count):

Trunk of Cigars - (25 Count):





Prices for Multi Size Case of Cigars


Premium & Rainbow

Prices for Premium & Rainbow Muti Size Case of Cigars

One of Each Size (5 per case):

Case of Cigars - (10 Count):

Crate of Cigars - (500  Count):

Trunk of Cigars - (50 Count):




One of Each Size in Both Premium & Rainbow (10 per case):

As you can see, our premium high class and available legally in select places across the world.  Anyone across the world can order our cigars and fly into one of the locations where they are legal.  Currently we are in the beginning phases of producing and distributing our amazing cigars.  We look forward to collaborate with buyers and investors who are interested in our venture. 

For those of you who want to get involved, but otherwise couldn’t order a cigar, please feel free to contact us, or donate to our crowdfunding campaign, so that we can eventually get these cigars available at an individual cigar prices that are more accessible to everyone.

For those considering purchasing cigars as part of an investment package, or directly investing in our venture without purchasing cigars, and are interested in more information, please feel free to read our Canapas Business Plan Investor Proposal:

To Order Cigars or Collaborate with our community, please contact us in any of the following methods:

Phone: (415) 323-5833 (Jay)

Skype: a0000d (Jay)


Additional Multi Size Options:

To Order Cigars or Collaborate with our community, please contact us in any of the following methods:

Phone: (415) 323-5833 (Jay)

Skype: a0000d (Jay)


Note: We follow All local laws and our customers will have to follow our local laws as well.  This means that many localities will require paperwork to be signed in order to meet minimum qualifications to own a Canapas Cigar.  The primary laws that govern the availability of Canapas Cigars are California Prop 215, Colorado Amendment 64, and Washington Initiative 502.


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Note: All Prices include global airfare for one to a legal location for product delivery, as well as an investor packet and equity.
